Tag: Personal Improvement

  • Traditional vs. Modern or “American” Martial Art

    Traditional vs. Modern or “American” Martial Art

    The biggest difference between what we do here and what other schools in town teach is that we are traditional Korean martial art. The arts we teach have been handed down and existed before the most recent Japanese invasion of Korea.

  • Scholarship Program

    Scholarship Program

  • Health


    Consider this the obligatory paragraph where I promise to be better at blogging and keeping the site updated. I want to share with you some of the things that are going on with me right now. Nothing life-threatening, but it is impacting my training. Allergies So, I’ve been suffering from a skin condition on my…

  • Update


    Holy Crap. I’m doing really poorly on my blog this year. I’m going to try to do better, I promise. Until I fulfill that promise, here’s an update on what’s going on with the school and me.

  • Martial Arts and Muncie Community Schools

    Martial Arts and Muncie Community Schools

    There are no two ways about it: Muncie Community Schools are in trouble. I won’t go into my personal opinions, but the bottom line is that teachers and students are going to suffer through no fault of their own. People are trying to get to the bottom of the financial situation, and people are working…

  • Um and Yang of Stance Training

    Um and Yang of Stance Training

    Any new endeavor has to begin at the beginning. The beginning of martial art training is learning how to stand and how to move. Next month we’ll talk about movement. This month: Stances. Speaking from experience, the best thing a new martial artist can do for themselves is to work hard on their stances. There…

  • Why Everyone in Muncie Should Train at Kuk Sool Won™ of Muncie

    Why Everyone in Muncie Should Train at Kuk Sool Won™ of Muncie

    My last post ended with me saying that Kuk Sool Won™ of Muncie might not be the right martial art school for you. This post will tell you why we probably are the right school for you. When people come to me looking for a martial art school, I always ask them why they want…

  • Brilliant Idea

    Brilliant Idea

    Please watch as Jane McGonigal shares secrets of the universe with you. She’s lifting the curtain and giving you some of the science behind the magic of Kuk Sool training as seen through the lens of her experience and brilliance. [ted id=1501]

  • Tai Chi, Cardio Kickboxing, Cross Training, Yoga, and other Distractions

    Tai Chi, Cardio Kickboxing, Cross Training, Yoga, and other Distractions

    I am sometimes contacted by people who want to learn something very specific: say, tai chi, yoga or cardio-kickboxing. I have done these activities in the past, but I don’t teach them. Not because they don’t have benefits. They do. Strength training, cardio-vascular work, and the rest all have their place. I have problems with…

  • When You Care Enough to Train the Very Best

    I’ve practiced martial art for a while now. I’ve seen people of lots of different sizes and shapes train. I’ve seen very fit, athletic people who definitely looked the part of the martial artist, and I’ve seen men and women who would be considered obese do amazing things that almost defy reason. As a society,…