This is the place to start, whether you already practice martial art or are a total beginner. I designed the Introductory Program to introduce new students to Kuk Sool, to learn the basics of the art and how I teach. It is two one-hour private classes, (or semi-private, depending on how many new students we have that week,) and one group class.
In our Introductory Program, new students learn one-on-one with a blackbelt instructor. They build confidence early, gaining experience at their own pace.
The first two classes will:
- Teach you some of the fundamentals of Kuk Sool.
- Kicking
- Punching
- Stances
- Escapes from wrist-grabs
- Introduce key concepts. You’ll learn:
- Where Kuk Sool comes from
- Ancient history
- Recent history
- Familiarize you with some terms and phrases used.
- Learn the difference between Ki Cho Hyung and Ki Bohn Soo
- We teach in both English and Korean
- Provide a solid foundation for success!
- We teach you how to practice at home, whether you have someone to train with or not.
After you know what to expect, you will participate in a regular martial art class. Of course, we teach physical self-defense skills, but also character-building skills like knowing when to use martial art, the need for self-control, self-respect, and discipline.
To sum up:
When my kids and I started taking martial art classes together, I was working 50 to 60 hours per week. Two hours a week in class gave us not just something to do together, but common ground and shared experiences. We built family vacations around visiting Kuk Sool schools and attending tournaments all over the country.
Maybe Kuk Sool can be that for you. Or maybe even something better.
The Introductory Course is two semi-private classes and one regular martial art class, with no uniform required for just $20. After this introduction, if you are not thrilled with the instruction you or your child received, you walk away with no obligation to continue.
I look forward to hearing from you and passing on some of the benefits that my family and I have gained from martial art training. If you’re ready to take the first step on your Kuk Sool journey, scan or click the QR code below to apply for our next Introductory Course.

Agree? Disagree? Want more information? Let me know.