Category: Martial Art Training

  • The Notebook

    I wish I was better at taking notes. I wish that I had thought to take notes from the beginning of my martial art career. My first Kuk Sool Won seminar I was still a white belt, and Kuk Sa Nim gave a lecture and said things that I’ve never heard him say since. I…

  • Martial Art Endurance Training

    If you are a student of mine or a reader of this blog, then you know that I’m working hard on endurance training. That’s what this article is about. There’s a kind of “hierarchy of needs” to martial art training. When we come in as a White Belt, everyone has a different level of talent, knowledge,…

  • Lessons Learned from a Failed Test

    Lessons Learned from a Failed Test

    Maybe this is bad business. I’m a huge believer in transparency though, and there are lessons here. As difficult at this is to admit to my students and readers, I failed my last Blackbelt Test. It’s happened before. Actually, nearly every time I test with my instructor, Pyung Kwan Jang Nim (PKJN) Ben Mitchell, I…

  • From the Archives: Dojang Protocol

    From the Archives: Dojang Protocol

    I find myself at the end of my list of ideas for weekly blogs. Please drop me a line if there is something that you would like me to write about. In the mean-time, here is another article from the deep past (relatively speaking). Published in June of 2007 when Kuk Sool Won™ of Muncie was…

  • Hidden Secrets of Kuk Sool Won™

    The idea of “secret techniques” in the martial arts has always fascinated people. Verbal tradition, urban legend, movies, and television have all perpetuated the idea that there are secrets that allow martial artists to achieve near super-human powers with the right training and practice. Like all legends, there must be some kernel of truth to…

  • Brilliant Idea

    Brilliant Idea

    Please watch as Jane McGonigal shares secrets of the universe with you. She’s lifting the curtain and giving you some of the science behind the magic of Kuk Sool training as seen through the lens of her experience and brilliance. [ted id=1501]

  • Decide When to Be Patient, and When Not to Be

    Decide When to Be Patient, and When Not to Be

    Most of the lessons that we teach in the dojang have applications outside the martial art school. It works the other way around too. This article is about something I learned about myself a long time ago when I was learning to fly airplanes and how it applies to martial art training. When you begin…

  • Ten Exercises that will Make Taking Martial Art Classes More Fun and Less Scary

    Ten Exercises that will Make Taking Martial Art Classes More Fun and Less Scary

    Most people like the idea of being a martial artist. It sounds cool, and honestly it is cool. What we don’t like is getting started and actually doing the work necessary to become a martial artist. Beginning is the hardest part. Most of us remember gym classes from high school where everyone seemed to know…

  • Finding Kuk Sool Won

    I’ve been practicing Kuk Sool for about fifteen years or so now. From the time I was a child I had always wanted to learn “karate”. I lived outside of town and we usually only had one car, which my dad took to work. He was always tired when he got home and leaving to…

  • Traditional Martial Art as Compared to Modern (Mixed) Martial Art

    I’ve talked in the past about how our area of the state and country has produced a lot of great “fighters”. If those guys were training today, you can bet that they would be doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) and wrestling in addition to kickboxing and Karate. All of these “Combat Sports” are considered “realistic” martial arts.…